Monday, December 8, 2008


In his teens, Nicky Cruz was one of New York's most feared gang leaders. Today, he is an evangelist who preaches a powerful message of redemption. With his powerful anointing, he has led youth from the different ghettos of the world to come to know Christ.

He starts this book by talking about how his family was saved from the evils of witchcraft and how they lived the rest of their lives serving the Lord. What an encouraging story for those of us who are praying for the salvation of our families.

But Nicky Cruz urges us to think beyond our families, but to be obsessed with sharing the good news to the every lost soul in every place the Holy Spirit leads us. "That's how God works when He redeems His people. He does so much more than save us; He restores us. Whatever Satan has stolen, God gives back. Whatever time we've lost to sin, He reclaims through love. The wounds inflicted upon us by the world are healed by His wonderful grace.
This is the Jesus we worship - the Savior who died so that we can live!
This is the message we bring to a world still bound by sin.
This is the only testimony worth telling - the only think that really matters!
How can we not shout it out from the rooftops? How can we ever slip into moments of apathy after all that God has done for us? How can we not live with uninhibited passion and zeal, knowing what we know? understanding what we understand about Satan and his lies? after experiencing the unconditional forgiveness that Jesus brings?
How can any man keep silent?
Since the day Jesus came into my heart, my obsession in life has been to save lost souls. At that moment, Jesus burned into my heart a soul obsession - a blazing passion for those in need of a Savior. It is a fire that runs through my veins - what drives me forward, day after day, month after month, year after glorious year. My heart bursts with the message of God's love and faithfulness, and all I want to do is to share that truth with others!"

Nicky Cruz says it takes three things to reach a lost world -- passion, mercy, and vision. And the rest of the book he uses to tell stories that illustrate these three things.

"If you want to change the world, begin by letting God change you. By letting the passion of Jesus become your passion. By letting the Holy Spirit be your only guide and mentor every step, every minute of the day. By allowing God to set your heart on fire with a soul obsession!"

Indeed, a message that must be heard.