Tuesday, December 2, 2008

THE WAY OF THE SHEPHERD by Kevin Leman & William Pentak

How I wish I read this book at the time when I was a first time manager.

This should be required reading for those tackling for the first time the challenge of leading and coaching people. Long-time managers can also benefit from reading this. It details a very simple yet sensible approach to leadership. Some of the lessons you know instinctively, and some make you say Aha. All are presented in a logical, step-by-step manner through a modern day parable.


Video Promotions said...

I like Dr. Kevin Leman too. I met him when helping him produce his video series "Value Packed Parenting."

Since then, I've supported his efforts to make parenting easier by devoting a blog to his video series.
Watch a short clip from Making Children Mind without Losing Yours
at KevinLemanVideos.blogspot.com

I think his latest book release "How to Have a New Kid by Friday" is good too.